Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm not a robber!

So.... daily, hourly, when I'm sleeping, and on occasions when I'm at a water park, I think of something to share with clark. It's usually something online and so immediately I jog on over to my local facebook page, type in Clark, and go to send him a message.

Now unlike myself, Clark does not set everything he's involved with as a homepage for his local internet browser so he is not aware of everything I send him immediately, so my instant gratification is totally busted.

Also, right now, I'm thinking about Jack Arnold's meat and three.

It's interrupting thoughts such as this that have inspired me to start a blog. That and the fact that we're doing a show together and people are hungry for more!! and blogs are much quicker than videos. SooOOOOoooOoOoo

I will be starting a daily blog, hopefully more entertaining than all the other blank pages you've been reading, and hopefully... Hopefully Clark will actually read this and we can start sharing our day to day lives and conversations with you beautiful online loved ones.

Thanks for tuning in! I'll be updating you later with what we eat for lunch.